I don’t want to work out today.

I don’t want to eat that grilled chicken wrap and spinach today.

I don’t want to meditate today.

I don’t want to read that book today.

I don’t want to go for a walk today.

I don’t want to study today.

I don’t want.

I don’t want.

I don’t want.

These are the things we say to ourselves when we feel overwhelmed, tired, stressed, frustrated, angry, etc. and follow it up with things like, “is it even worth it?”

We live in a day and age which has taught us that the best rewards are those that we receive instantaneously and that being patient for the long-term is not necessarily bad, but unbearable to do!  So we get to a point where motivation wanes and think any of the thoughts above followed by the question – “is it even worth it?”

Unquestionably the answer should be a resounding, “ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!”

The best results come in the long term.

Putting on muscle takes time; following a program that’s designed to increase in progress meticulously and marginally over months, even years!

Losing weight (correctly) takes time; following a nutrition plan that changes not only how much you eat, but how you eat and the habits surrounding over months, even years!

Earning money takes time; savings and investing through the lows and highs over months, even (most likely) years!

You get the point.  It takes time; patience; work; and keeping your eye on the end goal to reach the heights you are trying to climb.

Like everyone else, I have the days when I wake up and think, “Ugh, I do NOT want to work out/eat healthy/move at all today.” But these are also the days where showing up is most critical.  It’s not a matter of beating out anyone else who would give in and stay home but beating that version of myself who wants to skip today because I take my mind from tomorrow.  Take the action and do the damn thing now so that tomorrow you’ll thank yourself.

“But Eric, what if I just DO NOT WANT to do it anymore and my dumb brain wins out!?”

Good question, friend.

We’re not perfect and there may be times where that happens.  Sometimes we HAVE to take that day off, and that’s okay.  But from there 2 things can/need to happen.

  1. Do not skip a second time.

Skipping once is fine – maybe your body is telling you it NEEDS the rest/break.  Maybe life DID just get too busy and too in the way.  That’s fine, it happens.  What cannot happen, is missing twice.  When you miss twice, you have now started a new negative habit.  One where you are more open to taking your foot off the gas.  One where “stop and smell the roses” is something you’re okay with.  Next thing you know it’s been days, weeks, months later and you’re still in the same place or worse instead of continuing forward.


Take the mental health days when needed and get the rest you need, but do not let it bleed into multiple times.  Get back on the horse and keep going.


  1. Re-evaluate your goals.

‘Ope, you skipped again and again and again and now you’re back to where you started and staring down barrel of needing to get back to it.  If this is you, then I caution you to not throw yourself back into the same goals and routine you were in before.  If you’ve taken time off and now getting back into it, you need to take time and re-evaluate the goal and your approach.


Clearly something didn’t click the last time through and taking the time to figure out what went right, wrong, and how it will be different this time, can help you dial it in to be successful this time around.

Maybe life got crazy.

Maybe what you were doing wasn’t exciting.

Maybe it wasn’t getting the results you needed.

Maybe it didn’t fit your schedule.

Maybe you didn’t have the right mindset.


Addressing what DIDN’T go well, and taking stock of what DID go well, can then help you create the plan to be successful this time.  This also helps you make sure that your goals line up with your values which is a big motivator to help you keep the eye on the long term.


Life is crazy.

Bettering yourself is hard.

Throwing in the towel feels like a super easy solution.

But the second you ask yourself, “is it worth it?” and you can answer, “FUCK YES!” is the moment you will level up and start truly becoming your best self.  But if you do decide to skip, make sure to not miss more than twice and skipping becomes a new habit, take the time to re-evaluate and address how you’ll change this time to make it successful.

The road is long and difficult to navigate, but when you reach your goals, the view is extraordinary!

What hard road are you walking?