Too often we put off starting something new [diet, exercise, hobby, etc] because we feel like we need the motivation to do it. What we don’t realize is that often TAKING ACTION will lead to motivation.
Think about a time when you started a project with intent to only do about 5-10min worth of work, only to look up and see an hour has flown by!
You took action and that action led to more and more and pretty soon you end up 10 steps ahead of where you thought you would.
Here are the 2 best ways to make taking action effortless!
1. 5 Minute Timer — Turning your phone to DND or Airplane mode, set a timer for as little as 5 minutes. As soon as you hit “start” put the phone down and begin working on your task. In this instance – working out. Whether it be 5 minutes of 1 exercise; a mini-circuit of 2-3 exercises or whatever you want – just focus on 5 minutes of exercise. When the timer goes off, take stock of how you feel. Want to do another 5 or even 10 – do it! If you get through the 5 minutes and still feel “meh” about it… that’s fine too. You’re still 5 minutes ahead of where you were when you hit start.
2. Schedule on Your Calendar — There’s a saying that you won’t miss appointments with your boss, so why would you miss appointments with yourself. Every smart phone has a calendar app that you can set appointments on that send reminders to you prior to the event. Take a look at your day or week and put your workouts on your schedule ahead of time and know that you won’t miss that time. You’re a damn boss, so don’t miss an appt with yourself. Plus this is a great way to manage your time and help you say “no” to things and people that don’t align with your goals and help avoid distractions that knock you off track.
It won’t be easy, but even on the hardest day – when everything seems to be going against you, it’s doubly important. Don’t fret about intensity, just make moves; even the smallest.
Take action when motivation is fleeting. Always.
What’s something you’ve been putting off for “the right time” that you’re going to start doing today?