Do you have what it takes to create your best self?
I mean REALLY light the fire to become your best self?
Whenever someone asks me what I do (professionally) and I tell them I’m a personal trainer, they immediately go into a spiel about how they have a gym membership and don’t go; or used to go and need to get back into it; or started but then life got in the way; etc. My first reaction (after, “what did I ask?”) is internally thinking that it’s not that these things got in the way or stopped them from keeping up. My first thoughts are that they didn’t approach the situation as well as they should have.
If you want the results, you can’t just say you’re going to do it and never do it. We’ve talked before about scheduling your workouts; prepping your meals; setting goals; etc. but too often this goes without action.
I know you’re as tired as I am of making excuses or continuing the same path you’re on now and want to make a change, but you can’t just want to make it – you have to take action.
Set Your Target – whether it be a number on the scale; a level of strength; a new dress size; etc. you must set your target. A specific end goal that you want to work toward with a realistic time frame of both starting and stopping is the best framework to helping you succeed. It gives you a concrete idea of what you’re working toward and the timeframe in which you’re working to reach it.
Create Your Plan – Including workouts, nutrition, recovery, schedule, etc. This may be the most detailed aspect of the journey, but if you keep it simple and consistent with progressive and challenging phases to reach the goal, you should be on your way to reaching every milestone!
Find the Drive – We have the drive within us, but you must light the fire to become your best self. Watch it rage and build and burn through this challenge. You must build the mindset that during this time, nothing else matters but creating your best self. Everyone will try to derail you, but if you REALLY want or heck NEED it, then they can wait. Happy hours are fun, but so are happy years on your life. Cut out the distractions and keep your mindset here and on your target. Envisioning each workout; meal; the end result; the person you become at the end of this journey; can all help you stay on track and maintain the flame that burns within you.
Though the steps are easy, the work is hard. But everyone is strong enough to take on their mountain if they want to. Set your target; create your plan; light your fire and get to work building your best self!
Need help to light the fire to become your best self!? Comment below on what your goal is and let’s connect to create that roadmap to the top!